…in the sure and safe knowledge…
Planning your funeral and having a funeral plan can seem a rather daunting and let’s be honest morbid task, but consider the alternative…your loved ones trying to second guess your wishes – cremation or burial, religious or non-religious service? Would they know if you wanted flowers or if you’d prefer donations for a charity that’s special to you? Would they be able to pay for your funeral before the assets from your will have been released?
With a pre-paid funeral plan your estate won’t fall foul of the escalating costs of funerals, as your plan will cap the cost and hold it at current rates. It will also make things easier for your relatives at a very difficult time in their lives, by not only taking away a substantial financial burden, but also the additional distress that the process of planning a funeral brings. There are of course alternatives to pre-paid funeral plans; your family could use the money from a life insurance policy, money from your estate or traditional savings accounts. You could also take out an over 50s plan (a funeral insurance policy). They are all feasible alternatives but none of them pay for the funeral in advance and none of them guarantee your wishes are carried out.
You can talk to Brynel Estate Planning about your concerns and wishes for your funeral and we can advise you on the different funeral plans currently available. It is important that you work with an expert to ensure you buy the plan that gives you exactly what you want.